Daniel is seven years old and never had a wheelchair. Because of your help with a shipment from Hoggi in Germany, he was able to get one from the great BethanyKids team. So fun to see his smile!
Daniel's story also illustrates difficulties
We found out getting donated chairs from Hoggi isn't a great option. The tariffs on the chairs were 50% of the new value! And these were lovely German wheelchairs. It will be much more sustainable to make wheelchairs in country. We're working on it, beginning in Kenya Training and a stable local team is so important!! Wheelchair or not, if a family and child still feel that they've done something wrong or are cursed, they are still in pain. People with disabilities often have other health problems, Badly fitted chairs cause pressure ulcers. All this needs local teams with training tied to mission hospitals where whole person care is emphasized. That's our goal. God has given open doors and a great team.
Check out what happened in Kenya and in Guatemala to get wheelchairs and care to children and their families.
Partner with our team
With new capabilities and doors opening for big opportunities, there are also great opportunities for you. The updated give link below now goes straight to project funds rather than to support Phil and I.
An urgent need !!
There is a plot of land available in Kenya for the assembly/manufacturing facility. It's near a new in-land port on a main artery to Uganda and other countries so the location is great! We have an agreement in the works for how ownership will work. The only barrier seems to be funds. If you'd like to help click on the link below. When you do, please clearly designate, "for land for a wheelchair facility to serve East Africa". Or if you'd rather help open doors in Ethiopia, Soddo hospital is interested in partnering and has invited us to visit to explore next steps there. If you'd like to help with that, designate "for travel."