It's been a busy and rather amazing month. God has opened doors for new collaborations! Jonathan Biggers is now onboard with Ideas and working closely with me. At the Ideas conference, we met Gabrielle, the new CEO. She's opening some great doors!!. Other Ideas associates are collaborating now. Bill Merrifield, who oversees the Ideas education sector, is planning to be at the MedSend Summit conference with us at the end of August. He and Jonathan are exploring cross cultural collaborative spiritual training for the chaplains at mission hospitals. We're planning a trip to work with Soddo Hospital in Ethiopia in November. Today, the medical director at Soddo opened doors for Jonathan to begin to interact with three of the chaplains a Soddo in preparation for our trip. That's so important because many families and individuals dealing with disabilities are considered to have done something shameful. So difficult and isolating!! Christine, another Ideas associate with expertise in community health education is collaborating about ways to work with families and their communities to open doors for inclusion.
Make a Wheel Difference September 24th
Here in Didsbury, our church is working with us to run a Make a Wheel Difference event on September 24th. BethanyKids, our Kenya partner, has many children waiting for wheelchairs. All funds will go directly to wheelchairs for children BethanyKids serves. It's a fun event. People sign up in pairs and each pair gets only two good legs so Phil is going to push me in a wheelbarrow :-). Please pray that significant funds are raised since there are many children waiting.