Catalyst Project

Facilitating wheelchair services through faith-based hospitals in low-resource countries.

We invite you to be a catalyst for hope. Whether you donate funds, travel with us, or even purchase our books and art, you are supporting the work of AT Catalyst.

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While there are many ways you can be involved in the work of AT Catalyst, the most effective action you can take is to pray. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter, then take the prayer needs and praise items to the Lord in prayer.

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Together we can make a difference!

In fact, we can't do it without you.

A wheelchair has changed Kelvin's life.Meet Kelvin

Before Kelvin got a wheelchair, he couldn't get up off the floor unless someone carried him. He couldn't move around outside his house, and he couldn't go to school. Now that he has a wheelchair, he has HOPE. He goes to school, plays with his friends, and is making plans for his future. A wheelchair changed Kelvin's life!

The need for wheelchairs is huge. So is the need for trained professionals to properly fit and repair the wheelchairs and to provide health services to disabled people.

Ruth and Francesca are now best friends.Meet Ruth and Joy

Before they received wheelchairs, Ruth and Joy had very little interaction with people. They rarely left their homes, could not attend school, and had no friends. Now they attend school and have many friends. But the two of them are best friends.

Partner in bringing HOPE!

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Travel With Us

Nothing Beats First-Hand Experience

Once you see HOPE flood someone's face, you'll know.

Come to work alongside and mentor local teams, lighten the load, and encourage the families of those with disabilities.

The Big Picture

Our goal is to demonstrate God's love by bringing people with disabilities from isolation to true hope. We do this by enabling long-term, appropriate assistive technology services through faith-based hospitals. Several have committed to developing a wheelchair provision program. They have asked that we bring a team annually to facilitate and encourage excellence. The trip will be arranged by the Assistive Technology Catalyst Project Those interested in coming on repeated trips over a period of several years are especially valued. Repeat participation allows for relationship building and much more. You become familiar with the culture and able to work with collaborate with the local team much more effectively. Lasting friendships are built. All work on site will be done in close collaboration with the mission hospital therapy team.

Where and When

Plans were in place for three trips: to work with CEML Hospital in Angola, Soddo Hospital in Ethiopia and BethanyKids in Kenya. Because of the pandemic, dates are uncertain, though trips are tentatively planned for May and June 2021, and perhaps October 2021. Volunteers may come from one to three weeks depending on their schedules, priorities and skill sets. Please contact Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss dates that may work for you.


Get ready to serve and have a lovely time with those who are making a difference to kids with disabilities. Before you go, there will be some reading material to go through. You'll interact directly with team leaders, and you ll want to make sure you have funds in place (see costs below).


Apply to travel with usTeam members will stay in local housing arranged by the organization we will be mentoring.

Safety and security

The locations have not had a history of security difficulties. We will be with local people who know the regions well and are committed to staying out of risky situations.


We are seeking those with experience working with children with disabilities and/or with assistive technology. This includes physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation engineers and physiatrists. A willingness and capability to teach seminars is valued. Experience in providing wheelchairs to those with complex seating needs is also valued. Volunteers should be in good health, willing to work well in a team, and should be flexible enough to live and work cheerfully in a different cultural environment.

Work alongside Kenyan teams to help children with disabilitiesWe are also seeking volunteers who are willing and able to spend time with children with disabilities and their families while they wait for wheelchair and assistive technology services. Those who could help with a daily program for the children and their families are needed.


For each adult or teen, the in-country cost is $600 USD per week, to be paid two months before the trip.

Expenses not included in the in-country travel costs include airfare, Immunizations recommended by travel immunization guidelines, travel insurance, visa costs (purchased online before travel or in the airport upon arrival) and spending money.

Please consider raising additional funds to help cover some of the costs for wheelchairs and care for children with disabilities. The average wage for many people is less than $80 USD per month. The cost of a wheelchair, shipping, modifications, and the work of the Kenyan clinicians is about $600 USD. In addition, many the families need to travel to our location and stay several nights.

Traveling with us and being part of what we do can be a life-changing experience for you too!

If you'd like to volunteer to travel with us, we'd love to talk with you and discuss the possibilities.

Apply now to travel with us. 

Questions? Please contact us.

By donating monthly in a sustainable pattern, you can enable steady improvement in wheelchair services at faith-based hospitals. You'll be helping people with disabilities to move from isolation to HOPE! All gifts are helpful and are greatly appreciated.

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Purchase Books and Art

Karen is a published author. Both Phil and Karen are professional photographers. All funds generated from the sale of their art and books support the ministry of ATCatalyst.

 Karen's Books

Karen and Phil’s photography, art and books

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