Catalyst Project

Facilitating wheelchair services through faith-based hospitals in low-resource countries.

Drug users often describe the feeling they get from recreational drug use as a “rush”.  I had a rush this week when Karen forwarded me the note below. 

Solomon is a Physio-Therapist from Kenya that Karen has interacted with.  Though I have yet to meet him I have listened to him and recognize his passion to help disabled children.  In fact, from what I have been told he has taken the parable found in Luke 14:15-24 literally, particularly verse 21.  Solomon actively seeks out children with disabilities and helps them as best he can with the resources he has. 

Karen connected Tenwek Hospital with Free Wheelchair Mission and the first container has arrived. The words below are Solomon’s.

“First free mission wheelchair, pilot distribution on 13 yr old girl” 

“She has been waiting and praying for God to remember her. I tested the first wheelchair on her, (ladies first). It took me 27 minutes to assemble. It was generally easy to assemble, and I did it correctly, the wheelchair is very smart and comfortable, and easy to fit on the right client. I applied all the skill I acquired from Nicole and her team in Joy Town. Thank you, Karen and doctor Copland, for facilitating the training. 

The family and the villagers in the remotest part of Bomet asked me to pass their sincere thanks to you all, that was a surprise and unbelievable to them after waiting for 13 years to get one,


AT Catalyst exists to facilitate the use of assistive technology for disabled people in low resourced settings.  To see individuals get a wheelchair changing their lives in a positive way gives me a rush that continues every time I think about it.

You may be one of the people who support us in getting this job done.  I just want to thank you for what you are doing.  It’s making a difference. 

If you are interested in participating in this venture, please have a look at AT Catalyst this will give you more information about the organization and provide a way to donate.

God Bless

Phil Rispin

In the USA we work with IDEAS

In Canada, we work with Bethanykids.

To donate to AT Catalyst please look at